Destroy yourself to become who you are meant to be

The #1 reason Unbounce customers haven't used our latest features is that they didn’t even know they exist. We launched a multi-channel campaign with the goal of increasing our feature's awareness to 70% among customers after two months of launch.

We worked closely with the production studio, Noravera, to create a video far from our traditional work. We decided to blow things up. Scene after scene we portrayed the concept of destruction that ended up leading to a“big finale” where we reveal how we reinvented ourselves as a company and the impact that this has brought to our product.​​​​​​​

Client: Unbounce

Role: Design lead

Timeline: January - February 2019

Show, don’t tell

We decided to not only talk about our new tools but to show them across all our assets. We produced animations, edited photographs and created clean iconography to communicate the power behind our new tools easily.


After only two months of launching our campaign, we:

  • Generated over 20k video views with a play rate of 65%

  • Increased customer awareness of Unbounce's sticky bars and popups by 51%

  • Drove our adoption rate from 6% to 14%


Design lead | Ainara Sainz

Art direction | Cesar Martinez

Campaign strategy | Justin Tsang, Maggie Crowley, Amy Wood, Alexa Hubley & Luis Francisco

Photography and videos by Noravera.
Enjoy our behind the scenes video. 

Made with 💥 by Unbounce.


Join the Revolution


Ana Prana